At MARETON, we have developed a series of microprocessor units that control and manage uninterruptible power supply systems. The unit is also used for communication with a remote computer that monitors the plant in which the UPS is installed, as well as the operation of the uninterruptible power supply system.

Due to local monitoring and control, the unit has a built-in touch screen display and LED signaling. Due to remote monitoring and control, the unit is equipped with remote monitoring circuits, such as MODBUS, PROFIBUS, IEC 60870, Ethernet, relays, analog communication unit 4 - 20 mA / 0 -10 V. The unit is powered by two different power sources, from batteries and from the mains. The unit stores data according to the user's choice. The unit is realized according to industry standards and is characterized by high reliability.

In order for this control unit to function fully, you may also need to use the units described in the "Measure and protections units" section.

F 35

Series MPJ 02 and MPJ 03

          Microprocessor  control unit,

          Modular industrial  design,

          7“or 12“  touch screen  display

          Inteded for larger uninterruptible power supply systems


F 36

Series MPJ 04

          Microprocessor  control unit,

          compact industrial design,

          4,3“ touch screen display

          Intended for smaller uninterruptible power supply systems

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